Host your home
on JWguest!
We’ll help you every step of the way.
Explore how hosting works
Why host on JWguest?
Host with confidence
How to host your accommodation
List your space for free
Share your space without subscription charges or hidden fees, from a shared room to your entire house or a second home. We’re here to help you.
Set the right expectations
Decide your calendar, prices, rules, and requirements for guests. When it comes to showing off your property to guests, pictures speak louder than words.
Welcome your guests
Once your listing is live, traveling sisters and brothers can reach out to you. You can contact them personally to address any questions before their stay.
Brenda's experience
The verified brother's policy helped me decide to join JWguest (formerly JWbnb) because I love to share experiences with my brothers, but I do not want to share my address and email with just anybody.
Brenda hosts in Miami
We’ve got you covered
Guests and hosts can only access each other's private information after mutually agreeing to confirm a booking. To further safeguard your privacy, all interactions between the host and guests are exclusively conducted through our secure platform. This measure ensures the utmost protection of your personal data.
We know it’s a priority to trust brothers and sisters staying at your place. JWguest allows you to set strict requirements for who can book and to get to know guests before their stay.
"Hosting my studio changed my life and gifted me with memorable experiences and people."